
Haskell code can be run with runghc or ghci. Alternatively, it is also possible to run a cabal or stack target and show its output.

Using runghc (default)

Using runghc requires that the code block defines a module complete with a main function:

.. exec::
   :process: haskell

   module Main where

   main :: IO ()
   main = do
     let x = fmap (+10) [1..10]
     print x

module Main where

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let x = fmap (+10) [1..10]
  print x

Using ghci

Using ghci requires that ghci is on your $PATH. You should use this runner when you want to show some type signatures or run code that is not affiliated with a project. See the Cabal section for running project targets or ghci loaded with your project.

Notice the new with flag here: this changes the default runner from runghc to ghci.

.ghci files are ignored by this runner (this makes results more reproducible).

.. exec::
   :process: haskell
   :with: ghci

   :t "Hello"

:t "Hello"
 "Hello" :: String

You can also load any packages in the global environment into the ghci instance:

.. exec::
   :process: haskell
   :with: ghci

   :m + Data.List
   :t span

:m + Data.List
:t span
  span :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])

Running with Cabal or Stack

If you have a cabal or stack project that your documentation builds upon, then you can run any cabal or stack target and capture its output. This is particularly useful for showing benchmarks in text. For example, the Haskell Optimization Handbook has a cabal project whose programs are used to elucidate points made in the handbook. So, it runs benchmarks in the handbook to show off the effects of different optimisations. The directive invocation becomes:

.. exec:: code/lethargy/bench/TooManyClosures.hs
   :process: haskell
   :project_dir: code/lethargy/
   :with: cabal
   :args: bench lethargy:tooManyClosures

(The output is shown here.)

Notice the invocation takes a source file after exec::, and that there are several new flags: project_dir, with, and args. project_dir is a relative filepath that is relative to the root directory of the Sphinx project (where your conf.py is located). The with option sets the runner to use cabal in this example; if you’re using stack then you can analogously use with: stack ``. Finally, ``args are just all the command-line arguments that you want to pass to either cabal or stack.

The runner code is deliberately simple; it does not try to figure things out for you or hunt for your .cabal or .stack files. It simply aggregates the needed information, performs some safety checks, and runs either cabal or stack with the args field.

The source file is shown in its entirety, followed by the output of the cabal or stack target. If you do not need to show the entire file, then remove the filepath after the exec:: call. Notice that the output from the target only shows the output produced by the target, that is, it elides all output from building the project and its dependencies. This is purposely filtered and is not exposed to the end-user (that’s you) to disable. If you need this then please open an issue!