Changing the axes layouts

matplotlib, by default, creates plots with the y-axis on the left side of the plot. In plots of 2D spectra, it is often desirable to move the y-axis to the right.

It is possible to do this with a series of matplotlib functions, but penguins provides a built-in function for this purpose, ymove(). You can simply call this function on its own and it will move the axes labels to the very sensible top-right position. Note that this function must be called after mkplot().

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import penguins as pg

ds =".", 2)
ds.stage(levels=5e5, f1_bounds="0.3..7", f2_bounds="0.3..7")


More specifically, ymove() allows you to choose between three available styles. All of them move the y-axis to the right, but differ in where they place the y-axis label.

  • “topright”: Moves the label to the top-right and places it in a horizontal orientation. (This is the default shown above)

  • “midright”: Moves the label to the middle of the axis and places it sideways next to the tick labels.

  • “topspin”: Rotates tick labels as well as the axis label. This mimics the normal display in TopSpin.

These are more easily illustrated with a diagram rather than with text.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import penguins as pg
fig, axs = pg.subplots2d(2, 2)
ds =".", 2)
styles = ["none", "topright", "midright", "topspin"]

# Stage and construct as usual
for ax, style in zip(axs.flat, styles):
    ds.stage(ax, levels=5e5, f1_bounds="0.3..7", f2_bounds="0.3..7")
    pg.mkplot(ax, title=style)

# Apply the styles.
for ax, style in zip(axs.flat[1:], styles[1:]):
    pg.ymove(ax, style)

# This is not necessary in a real plot and is only included to make
# it clear which plot is which.
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3, wspace=0.3)

There is also an analogous function xmove(), but it is not very fully developed at this point in time, and in general should not really be needed unless you have a particular “house style” to follow.