Reducing boilerplate code

A frequent task is to plot multiple spectra on multiple axes in a subplot.

Of course, the most direct way is simply to use for loops as well as enumerate() and zip(). This is already far better than individually plotting on each Axes by. However, there are also many ways in which penguins tries to reduce the amount of boilerplate code required for this:

  • You can read() in multiple datasets at a go by passing a list or other iterable of expnos:

    # Reads in one dataset, 1)
    # "Slow" way of reading in a list of four datasets
    [, expno) for expno in range(1, 5)]
    # "Fast" way, equivalent to the above, range(1, 5))
  • Staging still has to be done individually, unfortunately.

  • The mkplots() function essentially performs mkplot() on a series of axes:

    # Construct one plot with a given title
    pg.mkplot(ax, title=title)
    # "Slow" way of constructing a series of plots
    for ax, title in zip(axs, titles):
        pg.mkplot(ax, title=title)
    # "Fast" way, equivalent to the above
    pg.mkplots(axs, titles=titles)