Welcome to penguins!

🐧 Penguins: an Easy and NullPointerException-free Gateway to Unpacking and Illustrating NMR Spectra 🐧

Penguins is a Python 3 package intended for generating publication-quality plots of NMR spectra in a programmatic, reproducible fashion.

The current penguins version is 0.5.2. penguins requires Python 3.7 or above, and can be installed via pip:

pip install penguins

As of the current version, penguins only supports Bruker data, and can only work with processed data; there are no functions for working with raw data.

About this documentation

The documentation is divided into five major sections (largely adhering to the principles outlined by Divio):

  1. Tutorials: intended as a brief introduction to penguins’ core features.

  2. (In progress) How-to guides: ways of accomplishing specific tasks which are likely to occur frequently.

  3. (In progress) Gallery: case studies from real-life plots with step-by-step walkthroughs.

  4. Explanations: a more in-depth look at how penguins works behind the scenes.

  5. Reference: a full description of the penguins API.


If you have (any) question, comments, or would like to report a bug, please create an issue on GitHub.
